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Core Values

Equipping individuals that desire to be God-centered in every aspect of their lives, empowering every member for a personal mission in their own world, sending out many sons and daughters as missionaries and churches all around the world.


To spread a passion for God, and to advance His Kingdom, in our communities and to the world.

Investing in Eternity

Investing in Eternity flows from our obedience in honoring God by obedient tithing; channeling our efforts to focus on ministries over facilities and people over property; restoring hurting people by offering an atmosphere of friendliness, transparency and care; meeting the material and spiritual needs of others; as we seek to search out lost people, desiring for their salvation and seeing them come to the full knowledge of God.

Biblical Authority

Biblical Authority is the strength of our dependence on God, shown in our trust and obedience in God and our demonstration of faith; building our character and integrity, demonstrated by the Holy Spirit through true spirituality; leading to the demonstration of strong biblical leadership, demonstrated by united families, daily dependence on God in every sphere of life, while serving the Body of Christ wholeheartedly.

Strong Families

Strong Families are the fruit of our obedience to God as the family is a place of unity, peace, freedom, encouragement and nurturing; showing the Love of God, which radiates from the home.

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