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The Full Story


Thank you for joining us today and looking at our website. If you do not have a place of worship or a place to call home, we would be blessed to have you and/or family come and visit us. We are a family centered church with a vision and mission to our neighborhood, communities, state and the world.

We believe our fellowship is always enriched by people who join us in praise of our God and were sent by God Himself. Above all else, we want to express the love of Jesus to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We are eager to know you, and we would love the opportunity to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our church!

Living Stones has a long history of ministry within the community, offering many types of bible based counseling and studies; along with programs to reach out to the people of the community.  This is what fuels our vision statement; to spread a passion for God, and to advance His Kingdom, in our communities and to the world.  We are a GRACE church, with an understanding we have ALL been through circumstances in life and have all fallen short.  Basically, we are all sinners; but we strive to join with each other in forgiveness.  As Jesus said in John 8:11, "...neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."  All are welcome at Living Stones; it is okay to not be okay.

It won’t take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in the relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, serve, laugh, cry, learn, and reach out to our world with the life-transforming truth that is the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.

God created us to be with Him.
Our sins separate us from God.
Sin cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever!

If we can answer any questions for you, or if you’d like to have someone come for a visit, please feel free to call, text, email, Facebook or Tweet!  We want to reach out to you.  Our doors and hearts are open.  If you have not found a church home by now – and you’ve been praying, searching and hoping for a place to belong, we invite you to come here.  You may just be “coming home!”  We would look forward to greeting you again in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


Ray Caples, Pastor
Living Stones Ministries
Romans 1:16

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